''We are in the development phase of a new technology that will allow anyone with any kind of disability to find a job or start a business''

Investing in Digital accessibility

Over the last 18 months, we have seen technology enable a new way of working and connecting with others – from the comfort of our own homes. For some this digital transformation has been life-changing. Ruby Jones spoke out about being able to keep a full-time job due to the move to digital remote working that digital transformation linked to ed-tech, remote working, fin-tech, and networking are the areas that can drive people with disabilities towards greater inclusion and success in the workplace. By focusing on developing tech to support these areas, we can create a fair society that enables and gives access to everyone.  

The pandemic has caused a well overdue reassessment of the job market.

People with disabilities have long asked for more flexible working options. And then came the pandemic. Despite its disruption and tragedy, the pandemic has shown the world how working from home long-term is achievable and even beneficial, especially for people with disabilities. Remote and flexible working has meant that for some people with disabilities, holding down a full-time job is now achievable


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How can companies help?

  • Identify appropriate theoretical and application concepts that promote inclusion in the labor market.
  • Develop innovative policy approaches to promote inclusion, inclusiveness, and quality employment of the targeted groups.
  • Help develop evidence-based policy responses to fight discrimination and promote employment inclusion and upward convergence.
  • Develop practices that facilitate the reduction of the labor gap between vulnerable and mainstream groups, such as persons with and without disabilities, women, and men, migrants and non-migrants, people of different ethnic or racial backgrounds, etc.
  • Identify and compare the usefulness of different policy and action options.
  • Identify relevant actors to achieve effective outcomes (institutions at different scales, civil society organizations, etc.) and explore their roles and interaction.


New and innovative ways of integration into the labour market of the most vulnerable groups need to be explored and tested with the objective to reduce inequalities and promoting social inclusion. These vulnerable groups include people discriminated against on the basis of disability and health, age, gender, language, racial or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, civil and family status, and religious belonging. As an important basis for this, suitable theoretical inclusion concepts should be identified and developed, such as e.g. interoperable and comparative European indicators and standards. Research should identify barriers for increasing inclusiveness in the labour market, covering elements such as disability and health, age, gender, language, racial or ethnic origin (exploring for example factors such as accent, name or looking biases in hiring contexts), sexual orientation, civil and family status including caring responsibilities (e.g. mothering) and religious belonging, with regard to both quantity and quality of employment. Research activities should take a holistic approach (e.g. taking into account increasing accessibility across-the-board; availability of assistive technologies, the level of provided reasonable accommodation and supported employment for persons with disabilities; developing collective agreements tackling economic, employment, and welfare inequality by gender and vulnerable group, and considering also causes originating in the education system).

Questions about the project

Mathieu Vaassen / Chief Executive Officer / RoomForWork Enterprise BV

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Beverly Barkon

Founding Director at Future. Engaged


I presented at the Disability Summit in Pittsburgh at the start of the pandemic on Essential Functions and UDL in the work environment.

Antoni Tsaputra, S.S, MA, Ph.D

A disability inclusive research expert and disability rights activist


Thanks very much for the invite

Arshad Khan ( SPN )

Strategic leader and General Manager skilled in administration, procurement, logistics, with a deep passion for electric vehicle (EV) and automotive sales.


Giving equitable access to everyone along the continuum of human ability and experience.


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