🏃🏽‍♀️Last Chance: Community Onboarding Essentials

🏃🏽♀️Last Chance: Community Onboarding Essentials

👋 Come visit Rosieland today where Gareth Wilson be sharing Community Onboarding Essentials:

  • The essential elements of messaging that captivate and convince – Gareth will guide you through the art of creating compelling content that not only attracts signups but keeps them coming back for more.

  • Discovering the secrets of social proof – Uncover the types of social proof that transform casual observers into enthusiastic participants. Gareth will delve into the what and how of social proof so you can supercharge your conversion rates.

  • Turning signups into active members – Learn the actionable strategies to seamlessly transition signups into engaged and active contributors to your community. Gareth will share proven techniques to guide new members to contribution.

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(and get access to the recording too)

PS. I'm moving this newsletter over to my Rosieland page, please sign up over there (I'm unable to do it for you).

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