Instant Empathy's Gonna Get You

Life is filled with frustrations. Driving around town. At the doctor's office. But you know, we're all here together on planet earth in 2020. Which means we're all carrying some extra stress, some extra gravity

So when something frustrating happens, especially out in the day to day world, I've started trying to play a game: how quickly can I get to empathy? 

Now I'm no saint. Instant empathy isn't a realistic goal. And I mean, I'm here on planet earth in 2020 too.

But there's so much going on, so much weight so many folks are carrying, can we get to empathy for that customer service rep in 30 seconds? In 10? 

I think other people are playing it too. I've noticed it when I take the four-way stop too soon by mistake, and I get a genial wave instead of the time-honored less-than-genial-wave.

"Time to Empathy." Might be a metric for the moment…

Danielle Truesdale Hester

Global HR Innovator | Shaping the Future of Work with Cutting-Edge Talent & Organizational Solutions | Champion of Inclusive Cultures & Meaningful Change


Love this! How quickly can I get to empathy? I'm playing this game too.

Maxim Jago

Founder of The Creativity Conference, Futurist, Public Speaker, Strategic Advisor, Author


Love this. Having worked in call centres, I love reassuring the customer service agent that I feel their pain!

Ute Sprenger

Content Program Manager at LinkedIn | Inner MBA Graduate | #AlwaysBeLearning | #ReadingIsMyThing


Love this new metric you created here! Let’s wait and see if it takes hold - would be good for all of us.

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