[Event] Community Business Models 2024: How to build a community that scales

Join us on Wednesday March 27th where Tatiana Figueiredo will share her latest thinking in building and growing a community business.

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You’ll learn about:

  • The 4 types of community businesses. We’ll introduce the four types of community businesses and guide you in identifying the perfect match for your vision.

  • How to focus your resources on a business model that is right for you. You’ll craft your current and ideal business model story.

  • Tips for pivoting, migrating, and refreshing your business. You’ll learn how to limit risk when moving from one model to the other.

  • How community has changed and how to approach it in 2024. What’s different about building community now vs. 3 years ago, 10 years ago and 10 years from now.

It’s for you if:

  • You’re feeling overwhelmed from too many potential offers in your business (course, community, coaching, consulting, etc).

  • You’re planning to start a new course, community or group coaching program.

  • You’re managing a growing community and want to navigate growth with confidence

👉 I'm coming!

About Tatiana Figueiredo

Tatiana is a community business strategist, teacher, and founder of The Business of Community, a learning organization helping community founders scale values-driven community businesses.

Before focusing on supporting community founders, Tatiana worked in international sales, marketing, product management, and growing her own community business to 2000+ members.

Tatiana believes community businesses are a magical portal to a more connected, joyful, and just world.

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Maddy Russell

Brand development, visual identity & graphic design for community-spirited businesses


Hi Rosie Sherry I wasn't able to join live, is there a replay available please?

David Guirado 🚀🌟

Responsable animation data et du réseau des Amdac


Albane Rousseau you should interview Rosie Sherry about community building for your student work to do.

Tatiana Figueiredo

I help thoughtful community founders build profitable businesses.


Have already started prepping! 🔮

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