HOLY SPIRIT: Do you know what is one of the differences between Angels and you Humans?

ME: One of the first differences I think is that Angels always have an expression of joy and gladness on their faces. Most often, they have a smile on their faces.

HOLY SPIRIT: Yes, you are right. They never frown from complaining or grumbling. They enjoy each others company, and are always smiling and laughing with each other.

ME: I sense, as you are leading me, that they also 'play jokes' on each other. I know there are some things religious mentality does not allow us to believe!

HOLY SPIRIT: When you (Saints) get to the City of God Above, you will
never hear any of the Angels or Saints complain or grumble. You will never see a frown on anyone's face, and you will always see expressions of joy and gladness, including smiles and laughter.

Holy Spirit will have a Bible study for this "Heavenly Report."

VERSE 1 - "And the Pharisees and scribes murmured saying, this Man receives sinners, and eats with them." - Luke 15:2

VERSE 2 - "I say unto you, that likewise JOY shall be in heaven over one sinner that repents, more than over the ninety and nine just persons which need no repentance." - Luke 15:7

HOLY SPIRIT: "VERSE 1 is from a conversation Christ Your Lord had with a group of Pharisees and Scribes when they did some of their usual murmuring and complaining.

VERSE 2 is from the Parable of the Lost Sheep that Christ Your Lord gave in response to their murmuring and complaining.

There is always more than one teaching in any parable Christ Your Lord taught. The one I (HS) mention from the Parable of the Lost Sheep in this report is that Christ Your Lord told the Pharisees and Scribes, rather than the City of God Above being a place of murmuring and complaining, IT IS A PLACE OF JOY."

VERSE 3 - "And when she hath found it, she calls her friends and
her neighbors together, saying, rejoice with me; for I have found the piece which I had lost." -- Luke 15:9

HOLY SPIRIT: "These words are from another parable Christ Your Lord taught in response to the murmuring of the Pharisees and Scribes, referred to as the Lost Coin. Note what Christ Your Lord taught about rejoicing and sharing joy together.

Joy and gladness in one’s inner being is not just something one feels, but something one ‘shares’ with others. In the City of God Above, the Angels and Saints never murmur or complain to each other. They only share their gladness and joy. Murmuring and complaining is not really something that will keep one from getting to the City of God Above, but murmuring and complaining is not something Saints will do in the City of God Above. And while still living here on Planet Earth, the more inner joy and gladness a person has, the less he or she will murmur and complain."

VERSE 4 -- "Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with Joy unspeakable and full of glory." - 1 Peter 1:8

HOLY SPIRIT: "The joy mentioned in VERSE 4 is not some type of
happiness that comes from material things, sometimes even evil things, or people who do not live holy lives. This is a joy that comes into the inner being of a Born Again Christian through one’s person-to-person relationship with Our Father/Christ Your Lord/Holy Spirit.

Sometimes, this joy actually coming through Me (HS) is so great that Born Again Christians cannot find words in his or her language to express it. When this happens, some Born Again Christians just 'sit' in silence and enjoy it. Born Again Christians with the Pentecostal experience, will speak in tongues to express the unspeakable joy. Then a Born Again Christian can also express this 'unspeakable joy' with smiles and laughter.

Paul, this is why you see Angels smile at each other and laugh together so much. When you get to the City of God Above, you will never see an Angel or Saint frown, only smile and laugh. As long as you are living here on Planet Earth, keep on trying to share more smiles and laughter with your family (including your children), friends, and other Born Again Christians. Also, keep on letting your smiles and laughter be part of your Evangelism to those who are not yet Born Again Christians.

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