COVID-19 Community Mobility Report Outlook:
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COVID-19 Community Mobility Report Outlook:

Google prepared this report to help people and public health officials understand responses to social distancing guidance related to COVID-19.

After going through the mobility report sharing a small insight into my city Berlin. And also this report made me think once again about the famous DIKW Pyramid and Big Data Privacy issues.

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What is DIKW Pyramid?

DIKW consists of Data, Information, Knowledge & Wisdom.

Data: The GPS data of your phone are the basic building blocks of the study.

Information: This is where we begin to make actionable inferences about the results. If you're trying to explain the actions of consumers, it's going to scare people even more.

Knowledge: This is where you start connecting dots from various areas of the user's life — their desires, shopping preferences, Leisure time activities, Commuting preferences, friends, Lifestyles.

Wisdom: Where over time, this information is tracked and developed into a very personal profile. Breach or not, most people will feel very uncomfortable knowing that someone or something knows too much about them. I find this to be the biggest privacy problem faced by those who practice the dark arts of big data analytics.

We are becoming a culture that is in real-time. At one time, knowledge was important but it's a commodity now. Not only do people expect instant access to the knowledge they need right now, but they also trust applications that can offer them new insights and educate them on what to do with those insights.

This report has definitely helped me to understand the behaviour of my community which aids me to make better decisions about when to go for Groceries shopping during the lockdown and when to be more cautious about social distancing measures. But also, on the other hand, forcing me to think about is it really necessary to share my location data all the time?

You can access the report for your country from the following link.

And If you're interested in knowing more how Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are helping the world, I Recommend watching the following Show called "Age of AI".

Let me know in comments about your thoughts and views on this post, looking forward to a healthy discussion about it.

Stay Home & Stay Healthy.

Neel Shah

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