Brand community is the new differentiation.

Brand community is the new differentiation.

If you're in business, chances are your market is saturated. It's harder than ever to get a .com, create a category, and stand out against competitors.

What's happening now is brands are looking within to find new and interesting ways to show who they are, yet often end up still sounding the same as everyone else. Ever notice how you've come up with something that feels unique only to find, weeks later, other companies sound eerily similar?

It's not because they copied; it's that brands within an industry tend to ride the same waves in the market, see the same customer needs, follow the same trends.

What I want you to know is: you don't have to differentiate so hard. You can be successful and a commodity. You can build loyalty in a market where others are doing the same thing. People can like tacos from 3 places. There's room for us all.

To grow, focus less on yourself and more on building community with your customers. Inspire a cult-like following. Create relationships. Brands that have built community have a loyal customer base that not only repeat buys, they also moderate conversations about you online, help you acquire more customers, and give you insights on adapting your product to fit market needs.

The secret? You have to create lines of communication, care about your customers, and listen.

Two brands that are doing this well:


Gymshark’s chief product officer, Francis says some of his best ideas still come from talking with customers. Just a few examples of how they offer value beyond the product:


This startup recently raised $100 million in a Series D funding round, which nearly doubled its valuation to $1.6 billion. Apollo is a great use case for building community as a B2B company.

Not sure where to start? Here are some quick ways to get into community building:

  • UGC mining: who has tagged you? Build relationships there in the DMs

  • Live Chat: get a plug in for your website to start getting feedback and open conversation loops with customers

  • Surveys: routinely ask your current customers about their experience, problems, and wish lists. Then deliver on them.

  • Host live events (virtual or in person) and create opportunities for people to connect with each other and participate in keynote conversations

  • Create content across platforms where your customer lives. Tutorials, use cases, inspiration, and q&a's

  • Use broadcast channels. Instagram has both a Live feed and broadcast channel, LinkedIn offers Live audio and video events, TikTok has live, Reddit is popular for AMA series. Just pick a topic they're into, start talking and respond to questions!

The most important thing in building community is to start where you are and be consistent. The beauty of social as it stands today is the more human, relatable, and authentic the better.

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⚡Risha B.

Top voice in Content Marketing | Growth Partner @Mavlers | Now connecting with CEOs to understand how their agency uses AI | Mental health advocate


This was a masterclass in marketing that's impactful today! I agree Kara, building a tribe is one of the biggest ways to create impact & improve your positioning. A community makes a brand relevant, impactful, and memorable. A great community example for me is Alex Cattoni's Copy Posse. She knows how to rally a tribe!

Tarun Udayaraj

Founder @ FlockForge | Community Strategist @TheDropTimes | Community Building & Marketing


Building a brand community is the new marketing norm. Community centric strategies ensures better ROI.

Lynn Morton

Growth Capital for B2B SaaS


So what's interesting is you call out Apollo. I'm a customer for a couple of years now (custom package, not self-service). Think it's a great product, but their support is less than ideal. I'd much rather they invest their internal resources into actually serving their customers in a relationship building way. I have no relationship with the brand and would replace them without a second thought if there was someone with a comparable dataset & price point, but with better customer success. I get we're not a big account, but I definitely feel like more of a transaction versus a customer.

Melissa Wexler

Sales Leader | Driving Revenue Growth & Transforming Teams ❤️📣🚀


Great perspective and knowledge share 🔥 Kara Redman . Yes!

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