Articles worth your time, w/e 23.09.16

Articles worth your time, w/e 23.09.16

This week I'm recommending three pieces - all of them pretty old, but still worth reading:

Firstly, two posts from

  • Beat your excuses to it - in this post I'm writing about my technique for short-term motivation. Basically what to do when you really, really can't be asked. It's worked for me, so maybe it'll work for you as well?
    Reading time: 5-7 minutes
  • Choose what you stress over - I don't really get stressed anymore and this is a post about how I achieved that.
    Reading time: 5-7 minutes

Three other things worth your time:

  • Lack of exercise costs world $67.5 billion and 5 million lives a year - I need to look into the methodology of the research to understand how they arrived at this staggering number. It is shocking, though. The question now is: how do you change this situation and make moderate exercise part of the population's lifestyle? This isn't addressed in the article - it's for us to explore.
    Reading time: 3-5 minutes
  • One Of The Few Things I Complain About: Complaining - that's a goodie. Gary Vaynerchuk is a loud guy who's built his reputation on the internet through videos with wine reviews and went onto becoming a web mogul of sorts. I very much subscribe to his opinion on complaining - if you're complaining, then either do something about the reason for that or just accept it and be happy instead of moaning (I wrote about it here).
    Reading time: 3-5 minutes
  • The Ultimate Guide for Becoming an Idea Machine - I came across this piece through a different post of James Altucher's and this one really got my brain going. James describes his technique for becoming more creative and - surprise surprise - it requires training yourself in coming up with ideas. I'm going to try this one out on myself and will keep you posted on the results.
    Reading time: 15-20 minutes

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