
MYNDUP supports HR teams with their goals. We connect your employees to Therapists, Counsellors & Coaches, same day.

Here are our results:

96% of users report a reduction in Stress, Anxiety & Depression
99% of users report a boost in Confidence, Motivation & Productivity

And that's not all. We're helping HR teams improve staff retention, attract the best, and improve productivity.

60% of users said they would look for another job if they did not have MYNDUP
64% of users would take time off work if they did not have MYNDUP
92% of users would not be able to do their job as effectively if they did not have MYNDUP

In just 2.5 years, we've grown fast. We support 50,000+ employees, in 30 countries. Our mission is to be the world's go-to solution for mental health.

Learn more at myndup.com


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