
RonDB is the world's fastest key value store, now available in the cloud. It is the best low-latency, high throughput, and high availability database available today. In addition, it also brings large data storage capabilities.

RonDB is an open source distribution of NDB Cluster, thus providing the same core technology and performance as NDB, but as a managed platform in the cloud. It is is a critical component of the infrastructure needed to build feature stores, and, in general, real-time applications.

RonDB is ideal for developers who require a real-time database that can (1) be quickly deployed (RonDB provides a possibility to set up an RonDB cluster in less than a minute), (2) handle millions of database operations per second, and (3) be elastically scaled up and down to match the current load, reducing operational costs.

RonDB is available as a managed version on the Enterprise Hopsworks platform and to be installed on-premises.

This product is intended for

  • Developer
  • Application Developer

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