
MirrorFly is a highly secure and scalable real-time communication solution that offers Voice, Video & Chat SDKs with both self-managed(SaaP) and cloud hosted models(SaaP) for businesses. With over 150+ chat, voice and video calling features that can be integrated into any existing or pre-built device effortlessly. MirrorFly is full of enriched features like screen sharing, whiteboard, voice/video conferencing and recording, etc., that meets the needs of any kind of industry despite location and device.

CONTUS TECH is the parent company for all the products and services provided by MirrorFly. We have customers over 40+ countries serving a wide range of communication possibilities to several industries & sectors. We are headquartered in Atlanta, USA, and regional offices in Chennai & California.

Highlights of MirrorFly as an Enterprise Communication Solution:

--300+ In-house Team
--On-premises / Cloud hosting
-- Supports 30+ Industries & Sectors
-- Cloud & Self-Managed Pricing Models


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