Uber’s Post [Video]

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Incredibly thoughtful conversation today with Dara Khosrowshahi and Maria Shriver about the importance of human connection to health and well-being. Catch the clip from our GO-GET 2024 event #GoGet #BetterTogether, and tune into the full conversation on Uber’s YouTube page: https://lnkd.in/efnEqZcq

Yes, this is why it was so vitally important to keep lines of communication open between us during the shut down. As a Counselor and Networker I worked hard to keep my friends, family and community communicating with each other. I was even planning to start a CB radio network...I still may. Right now I am planning to build a network of Midwest Region Ubers and other Gig Workers who open up an entirely new line of cash flow and connection for themselves via my AI company. I'm starting in the Motor City in MI. and vicinity to expand into IA, ID, MN, MT, NE, ND, SD, WI, and WY. If this goes well, we can expand nationally. 

Frank Parth

R&D Lead Software Engineer


Speaking about depression... are you guys aware that in Orange County CA there are no jobs available because you put a limit on the number of drivers allowed and people that currently own accounts are "renting" them out to illegal immigrants for as much as $1500/month even though the owner of the account is never actually driving? How depressing for the people actually looking for a job and the illegal immigrants begin taken advantage of by the owners of those accounts. Maybe let free market sort this out by removing the limit or find a way to make sure the owner of the account is doing the actual driving? But ya know nice speech!

Chris Torrence

Chief Strategy Officer / GTM Leader / Logistics Technology Evangelist / Customer Advocate / USAF Veteran / Life-long Networker


Social bonding is ingrained in our survival DNA. I've lost count of how many retirees/seniors who drive for Uber simply to maintain human connection, and I'm always more than happy to converse with them for this very reason.

Are you aware about what's going with Uber Egypt? We need an immediate and strict response towards the SAFETY incidents here in Egypt. Women in Egypt are no longer safe using your service hence we are BOYCOTTING Uber. Dara Khosrowshahi Uber

Uber deveria voltar o dinâmico multiplicador

Bruna Bizerra



Suporte PÉSSIMO do aplicativo!!!! Estou com problemas e não tenho retorno

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