Tony Fadell’s Post

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iPod, iPhone, Nest, Investor & NY Times Best Selling Author

This is the four-layered, 0.25mm thick, flexible, custom-built PCB for the RESSENCE Type 2, the world’s first smart mechanical watch. Working with RESSENCE founder Benoît Mintiens on the Type 2 was a meeting of the minds. #BuildBook #BUILD #watch #custom #innovation

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David Dible

Valued Storytelling - Vital to Success Scientist, Analyst, Investor, Mentor


Attention to detail and micro management are not the same thing! How can a team develop and improve a product if they are not focused on all of the details. This very much includes the anticipated customer experience and benefits.

Bedrija Hamza

Senior InnoTech Lead | Emerging Tech Expert | Lehrling


The watch looks super cool.. Curved glass 🤯

Mike Rizkalla

CEO and Co-Founder at Snorble


Hi Tony, I couldn’t agree more. Caring deeply about quality and also projecting that you care to your audience is key. It’s not about micro managing at all, it’s about paying attention to the details. Everyone should care about the details. I always refer to it as making an authentic product or experience. That is what people respond too, they know when you mail it in…

I love Ressence watches! One of my favorite mechanical watches out there. Such an original design.

Martin Pulli

President at Martin Pulli, Inc.


It’s rewarding to witness the results of true, unfettered collaboration in design and engineering. TYPE2 is a very special and impressive (horological) project.

Wishing you all the best Tony.

Tony Fadell, this is an impressive time piece and great reimagination of the wrist watch — embodies wonderful lessons and insights from your go-to book #BUILD #BuildBook RESSENCE

My dream to own a Ressence watch one day - incredible design and engineering

Can A.

Designer (Software Product, UX, UI) — Extroverted Introvert, Nomad (TR, JP, DK, UK), Computer Buff, Maverick — I work for my ideas


Read in Steve Jobs’ biography about how much he cared about the logic board and the internal design of Apple II even if users wouldn’t see it. That’s how you build the best products.

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