the old girls club’s Post

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🚨 this is your reminder that many companies will pay for books, courses, and learning communities for their employees, especially when relevant to their role - many of these benefits are annual and don't roll over. in addition to an annual the old girls club membership ($100), some great options that come recommended by our members are: 📚 Books "The Making of a Manager: What to Do When Everyone Looks to You" by Julie Zhuo - Perfect for new managers, this book provides a practical guide to navigating the early stages of management. Zhuo's insights are both relatable and actionable. "The Confidence Code" by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman - A perfect read for understanding and building confidence, especially in a professional setting. "Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us" by Daniel H. Pink - This book is key for understanding what truly motivates your team members. Pink's insights can help you create a more engaging and motivating work environment. "Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office" by Lois P. Frankel - This offers practical advice for women navigating corporate cultures. "Inspired: How to Create Products Customers Love" by Marty Cagan - This book is a gem for product leaders. Cagan, a Silicon Valley product veteran, offers insights into creating products that not only resonate with customers but also align with business goals. 💻 Courses Coursera Leadership and Management Courses: Platforms like Coursera offer a wide range of leadership and management courses, many from top universities. Udemy’s Women in Leadership Courses: Udemy has courses specifically tailored for women in leadership, covering everything from communication to negotiation skills. General Assembly Digital Marketing Courses: For those looking to boost their skills in digital marketing, General Assembly offers comprehensive courses. Harvard's Online Learning: Harvard offers online courses in various fields including business, leadership, and communication. Skillshare Creative Courses: If you’re looking to expand your creative skills, Skillshare offers courses in areas like graphic design, creative writing, and more. 📌 Some extra tips: Check the alignment: Ensure the courses or books align with your career goals and your company’s values. This increases the likelihood of approval. Document your progress: Keep a record of what you learn and how it applies to your job. This could be useful for performance reviews. happy learning!

Sarah ❤️ Ing

June 18th: LIVE Workshop to re-energize your career within or out of tech (Link below!) | Coach & Eng Leadership | 🍫 Forever grateful to hazelnut chocolate bars.


Three of my best learning & development stipend use cases: * piano lessons (I worked at a music production company!) * audible (so I could absorb all the wisdom from books on walks) * a career coach who was also in tech. I was the sole female engineer on a team at the time and she helped me navigate my job and grow into a leader.

join us at to kick off your development and growth for 2024 ♥

Katy McQuiston

Strategy Director | Partnerships Enablement | Project Management Expert


Great list of resources! Thanks for sharing. Just got Drive on my Libby app!

Penny C.

Internal Communications Manager @ Earnest


Listening to The Confidence Code now- thank you!

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