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Among 20 leading risk factors for years of life lost in 2040, reference forecasts point to three metabolic risks—high blood pressure, high BMI, and high fasting plasma glucose—as top risk variables. Building on these and other risk factors, the concept of metabolic health is attracting a lot of attention among the scientific community. Find out more in a Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology Review: 👇 Metabolic health and selected data-driven cluster approaches for cardiometabolic risk stratification

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Fermín Gutierrez

Fondateur et gérant de VITALOA® spécialiste en activité physique


Physical exercise contributes significantly to the prevention and reduction of metabolic diseases.

Fahad Umer

Associate Professor Aga Khan University Hospital


These are all somehow modifyable risk factors

Gabriel R Manuell Lee.



Es muy importante que el enfoque de análisis, planeacion de acciones contemplen de manera muy importante la reducción de los factores de riesgo con la participación activa de la sociedad. No basta un tratamiento médico y la participación aislada del paciente en su autocontrol. Debemos aplicar de manera prioritaria y urgente acciones de comunicación educativa con enfoque social y de alta participación de los niños y adolescentes. Dejemos de ser una fábrica de enfermos sin control, reducción y mitigación de los factores de riesgo muchos d ellos relacionados a los factores o determinantes COMERCIALES. Por ello las políticas públicas del futuro para que sean efectivas deben enfocarse a la atención a la salud y no solo a los daños a la salud. Es mas importante la promoción de la salud que las acciones preventivas (primarias, secundarias o terciarias) que se enfocan a quienes y tenemos ubicados como enfermos o enfermos potenciales. Se debe cambiar el paradigma. Tenemos poco tiempo. Mexico es el campeón mundial de sobrepeso y obesidad infantil. Es una pandemia y como tal deberemos enfrentar. Provóquenos el cambio de enfoque y paradigma. La salud de nuevo en todas las políticas de manera transversal.

It is so important but not that easy to help our patients and ourselves to change important things in our lives. From my experience, psychotherapeutic and somatic factors have to be combined to get best results. A lot of work to do for all of us

Chike Nzerue

Professor of Health care Strategy at Roseman University of Health Sciences


These 3 disorders- hypertension, obesity and high glucose account for years of life lost by 2040. We must redouble our efforts to treat them

Murar Yeolekar

Ex Professor at K J Somaiya Medical College and Hospital , Sion,Mumbai -22


Metabolic Health conceptually and in day-to-day clinical practice visibly matters. Of curiosity and a realistic proposition appears to be it's direct link to immune function - recollect the COVID-19 horror with immunity wrecked and mortality statistics - higher number of deaths in Diabetics, Hypertensives, Obese and the Elderly ( immunosenescence). The relationship appears direct.... Prof ME Yeolekar.

Macarena Randrup

Medical Student | Lactation Consultant | Functional and integrative Medicine | Fertility-OBGYN Medical Assistant | Native English Speaker | Healthcare Marketing


Metabolic health is becoming an increasingly important field that sparks great interest for me, and it's vital for preventing chronic diseases. Paying attention to the three key metabolic risk factors is crucial. And we need to find ways to better our efforts in prevention and education for all the generations before it's too late.

Lifestyle changes including physical exercise healthy diet and #stress free life plays, a crucial role in preventing and reducing metabolic #diseases.

Michele Felisatti, MSc, PhD

CEO & Co-Founder di Esercizio Vita Medical Fitness, Visiting Assistant Professor Università di Ferrara. Da oltre 20 anni mi occupo di Medical Fitness e Prescrizione di Esercizio Fisico per soggetti con patologie croniche


Metabolic health is definitely a growing area of research, and it's crucial for preventing chronic diseases.  Those three metabolic risk factors - blood pressure, BMI, and fasting glucose - are definitely key areas to focus on. Thanks for sharing the Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology Review - I'll be sure to check it out! #MetabolicHealth #PreventiveHealth

Daniel Sandy. MSc.

Fundador da Pausa Ativa Ocupacional | Gestão do Tempo Sentado | Implanto a Rotina de Pausas Ativas nas Empresas | Prof. Educação Física do Trabalho | Filantropo | Pesquisador | Palestrante

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