Simon Sinek’s Post

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Simon Sinek Simon Sinek is an Influencer

Optimist, New York Times bestselling author of "Start with Why" and "The Infinite Game", and founder of The Optimism Company

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Leadership is not I AM, leadership are WE ARE.

There is nothing more rewarding in the work environment than to see those around you grow and develop and to nurture and support that. A true leader is driven and inspired by this versus threatened. All to often I have seen “leaders”, by title, try to limit the growth in individuals for fear they would “be better” than them.

As a leadership coach, I firmly believe that true leadership isn't about climbing the ranks or gaining power; it's about empowering others to rise alongside us. It's a journey of service, where our success is measured by the growth and development of those we lead. Rather than focusing solely on our own advancement, let's shift our perspective to how we can uplift and support those around us. When we prioritize mentorship, encouragement, and creating opportunities for others to shine, we create a culture of collaboration and collective success. Let's embrace the true essence of leadership: not to ascend alone, but to elevate others as we climb. What steps can you take today to lift someone up on their journey to success?

Alison Campbell

Tech Executive | Exploring the intersection of purpose-driven careers and personal wellness


So incredibly true. The best part of working with talented people on a mission you all care about is the investment in PEOPLE. Elevating others. Speaking their names when they aren't in the room. Inviting new folks into projects to give them a shot. Coaching behind the scenes to let teammates shine. When leaders invest in people and teams, everyone rises and everyone wins. 🌟

Theva Guru Liminal

RAGNAROKX5 ADVENTURE Camps - Forged. Transformed. Become. Neuroscience Protocols for The X5 Zone of Xposure Xploration Xhibit Xperiment Xperience for Students. Youth. Adults. Parents.


Both imply that there are AGENDAS and PURPOSES at work, but it is not these at all. Leadership just happens when we go about living a LIFE that somehow INSPIRES and INFLUENCES others. THEY feel and LIVE better when we are a part of their lives, and THEY LIFT US to become leaders... Leaders be of the good, and also the bad, but still leaders nevertheless...

L E A D E R S do not need M I R R O R S they need WINDOWS. True vision sees from d I v e r s e perspectives, not reflections. #WithLoveSandy

💯% Leadership is not a destination to be reached but an ongoing journey of self-discovery, growth, and service. It is about embracing the responsibility to make a positive difference in the lives of others and leaving a lasting legacy of empowerment, inspiration, and transformation... Authentic leadership is rooted in a profound sense of purpose and integrity. It is about leading by example, embodying the values and principles we wish to instill in others, and remaining steadfast in the face of adversity. It requires humility, vulnerability, and a willingness to acknowledge one's own limitations and shortcomings, while simultaneously inspiring others to transcend their own.

Marek Janka

Mr ve společnosti Import


Aren't there any traders on linkedin you want to work with? We are a fitness equipment manufacturer from China, located in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, mainly engaged in strength equipment, in the past two months, we have not found a customer, everyone is very indifferent, hope that some partners can see us, our factory will not let you down, we will conquer you with high quality, we can do the products we do, do not do the products that cannot be done. Honesty is the germ of development,

M.Asad Mirza (FCA)

Group Financial Controller (SITECH) | FCA (ICAP) | LinkedIn Top Voice (Personal Branding) | Strategic Financial Leader | Business Enabler


You grow automatically by helping / rising others. It's a natural phenomenon; but unfortunately most of the people do vice-versa. But the one's who adhere to this principle, elevate to higher levels at organization's as well as personally. Thank you for sharing.

Taeim T.

Copywriter | I help D2C brands, coaches and founders scale their businesses using clear benefit-driven words


Powerful but often overlooked by many. Only if every manager or any high post person sees it through a different lens... They might become better leaders than just a "manager".

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