Shadman Zafar’s Post

When we experience change, even when the change is positive, it can be incredibly stressful. I've experienced this many times in my own career journey, and over the years, I've distilled a few "rules" which have really helped me stay calm, focused and moving forward. I consider these rules my personal principles for success in the corporate world, and I've divided them into three categories: basic, intermediate and advanced. I recently began talking about them with my team, and decided to also share them here, in case you find them useful as well. And rather than including all 12 in a single post that would be so long no one would read it, I’ll share them individually. So, without further ado, what's the most basic thing you can do to be successful in business? Rule #1: SHOW UP! If you manage to roll out of bed, put on clothes, drive to the office, and sit down to work, you're halfway there. Yes, it is that easy! However, being *present* is not as simple as it seems. I've seen people who are technically present, but caught up in "iPhone prayers" (when you're in a meeting and constantly checking your phone - that's iPhone prayers. Hopefully you’re not doing that right now ☺️). Joking aside, it's so important to show up and truly be present. It creates positive energy that enables you to gain deeper insights from your environment (so you literally become smarter as you continuously learn from your surroundings), build stronger personal connections with others, and seize new opportunities as they arise - all of which are keys to success. So no matter how you feel in the moment, make the basic decision to at least be present each day, physically and mentally. I look forward to sharing the next step soon, and in the meantime would love to hear your thoughts.

Milan Gupta

Chief Technology Officer | Chief Information Officer | Chief Architect | Software Engineer | Tinkerer & Maker


Bring it to work everyday, earn your paycheck every day … I think you distinguished yourself through your hard work (remember the crazy semester at OWU you did ?). That, and cultivating the habit of being a voracious reader from early on. I think sharing your journey and experiences will help folks. Still remember you cleaning up your first apartment :-)

John V Jayakumar 🐙 🚀

Follow for the latest in AI/Tech. Author of QUANTUM TRIANGLE: The Blueprint to a Quadrillion-Dollar Economy | Founder @ AISamosa.News | CEO @ Superposition Technologies | AI Consulting


Thank you for sharing pearls of wisdom from your life experience, Shadman Zafar I look forward to the remaining 11 posts in this thread. When I read your post, I was reminded of a few insights I had shared with the leaders in my team. One of them was a simple tip to identify if an employee lacks motivation. If an employee frequently calls in sick on Mondays, it may indicate a lack of motivation. It may help to talk to the employee one-on-one to find ways to help them get back on track. I received feedback from one of the managers later that this tip worked like magic to boost overall team productivity.

Great perspective Shadman Zafar as always. I was fortunate to grow up in a family that encouraged reading and where we also heard beautiful stories from elders at meal or bed time. I especially remember one story called “Intent” based on lesson from Mahabharata - how it is the intent behind the action that yields results and not the action itself. I fully agree with your #1 - How we show up , with presence or iPhone prayer (hilarious! and true - am borrowing this one), marks our intent and charts the course ahead. Looking forward to reading about the other eleven!

Judith Spitz, Ph.D.

Breaking down barriers so that women can break through in tech | Founder, Break Through Tech | Former CIO at Verizon


Couldn’t agree more. Believe it or not - none other than Woody Allen is credited with saying “80% of success in life is just showing up”. I’ve often quoted that in both my professional as well as my personal life.

“iPhone prayers”- very well said 👍

Thanks for sharing Shadman Zafar, really helpful. Now cannot not wait for remaining 11, so hopefully they are on the way 😊

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