Sean DuBois’ Post [Video]

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Pion WebRTC maintainer and WebRTC for the Curious author

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Principal Developer Advocate - Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS) - Twitch

Without a doubt - one of the coolest things I've seen this year. What is it? Real-time streaming of video game content *directly from within a game engine*. No third-party software, no extra hardware, no web browser - just a real-time stream from Unity to an Amazon IVS stage. Look at that latency. Actually, don't look at it - because you can barely notice it! Imagine the possibilities! Giving streamer viewers unique camera views. Publishing real-time game stats with custom display. Deep integration of live streams and game engines will bring unheard of levels of interactivity to this space. Are you a game developer in the Bay Area? Want to learn how it's done? Join us next week at the SF Game Development meetup to check it out! Huge thanks to Sean DuBois for helping out with this demo!

Had a lot of fun with this! love that WebRTC is empowering so many new use cases. It’s not just a conferencing technology. It’s a super power that can move bytes between any platform in any language :D

Dave Taht - Truly speeding up the Net, one smart ISP at a time


I would love have a lag meter

Juan Pablo Saibene

CEO @ Qualabs | Transforming Video Tech with Dedicated software engineering teams. - Passionate about entrepreneurship, leadership and education.


Impressive Sean! Congrats

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