Beitrag von Pinterest

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884.182 Follower:innen

The ✨ golden retriever of social media ✨ has a nice ring to it. "We want to be the one place online where we’re inspiring people to imagine possibilities for their own lives." - Andréa Mallard, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer Read more via BDG:

Is Pinterest The Golden Retriever Of Social Media?

Is Pinterest The Golden Retriever Of Social Media?

Melissa D.

AI Moderator | AI Content Writer | QA Editor | Trust and Safety

1 Monat

I love Pinterest and always have as a user. I stand with their company values.

Cabril D.

Seasoned Product Management Leader | Driving Innovation & Growth in SaaS | Passionate about Open Source, AI, & Technology Trends

1 Monat

In a world of negative news and focus reducing media, Pinterest does seem to stand apart. For me Pinterest is doing, it’s being, it’s improvement, it’s helping me create fun and positive spaces. So I guess golden retriever it is.

Lauren Michelle R.

Brand Marketing | Communications | Social Media I Influencer Management I Strategic Partnerships I Performance & Growth Marketing Leader I Healthcare

1 Monat

I love how your branding yourself as the golden retriever of social media. * heart eyes * As a fellow golden retriever- I subscribe to this.

Lisa Schinkel-Sulack

Product Manager at U.S. Bank

3 Wochen

I love Pinterest, even when I have “Pinterest Fails”. 😂 I love and appreciate creativity and beauty, thank you for giving us a platform to express ourselves, learn and enhance ourselves and be a community.

Juan Felipe Bonilla García

Customer Success | Recruitment | Social Media | SEO | Communication | Marketing | Copywriting | Community Management | Content Creation

1 Monat

You are Pinterest, definetly my go-to app/Social media whenever I want to calm down and recharge ❣️🐕

Carly Foubert

Communications & Digital Media Specialist • Elevate Your Brand’s Voice Through Content Strategies & Digital Storytelling • Copy Writing • Content Marketing • Social Media

1 Monat

I love this title for Pinterest - it's so fitting for such a positive and well-intentioned app ❤️

Absolutely a title we'd be PROUD to earn!

Kaliyah Lee

Open to UX Design Roles | Creative Problem Solver | Empathetic Storyteller

1 Monat

I love this brand story for Pinterest because it’s so true! Pinterest has stuck to their purpose and have continued to creatively innovate. I love it 👏🏻

Kirstin Widi Birch

Marketing Manager • Interior Design Lover • Jesus Follower

4 Wochen

I love getting inspired and looking for ideas here. It’s so much better and upbeat than Insta and Facebook!

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