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For advertisers reading about another delay in getting rid of third-party cookies, our Advertiser GM, Elizabeth Brennan, says it's time to take control of your destiny...

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Change-maker. General Manager Advertising & Co-Active Trained Coach

In a surprise move, to no one, Google have delayed the deprecation of third party cookies. Again. Although this is frustrating for Advertisers, it really doesn't matter. Today cookies only support 30% of the open web. Advertisers already can't reach the vast majority of their customers using Programmatic infrastructure and the truth is that brands already don't need third party cookies to be successful in programmatic advertising. Advertisers, this is a moment to take control of your own destiny, stop losing quality reach and brand equity. This will mean working in a new way with technology that is built for a world without third party identifiers. We're working with the most innovative advertisers in the world and these folks are already moving out of cookie-based buying and into direct pathways to publishers, and seeing powerful results. Advertisers who partner with Permutive and collaborated directly with premium publishers, have doubled sales and halved CPAs. #cookieless #programmatic #futureproof #permutive

Google delays third-party cookie demise yet again

Google delays third-party cookie demise yet again

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