Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s Post

Four of Australia’s privacy and data protection commissioners joined together on Wednesday for a special online event convened by the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner for Privacy Awareness Week 2024. The commissioners discussed a range of very topical issues around this year’s theme of privacy and technology and the key principles of transparency, accountability and security. Commissioners from the Commonwealth, Victorian, Queensland and NSW jurisdictions, Carly Kind, Rachel Dixon, Paxton Booth and Sonia Minutillo were joined by moderator Samantha Floreani from Digital Rights Watch in a discussion covering AI and large language models, data breaches and the future. Commissioner Kind reflected on how positive it is to see so many people getting into the detail of questions around privacy and technology, noting the ‘huge amount of interest in the space’. ‘I think we are seeing more and more that organisations are not only considering compliance as necessary but understanding that privacy can be good for businesses and good for operations,’ she said. #PAW2024 #PrivacyAwarenessWeek #PowerUpYourPrivacy Office of the Information Commissioner (Queensland) Information and Privacy Commission NSW

  • A grid of people having a virtual meeting with bright coloured backgrounds. The ‘Power up your privacy’ and Privacy Awareness Week logos are also featured. Pictured are Queensland Privacy Commissioner Paxton Booth (top left), Commonwealth Privacy Commissioner Carly Kind (middle), Victorian Privacy and Data Protection Deputy Commissioner Rachel Dixon (top right), NSW Acting Privacy Commissioner Sonia Minutillo (bottom right) and 
Digital Rights Watch Head of Policy Samantha Floreani (bottom left).
Terese Roddam

Experienced as a Privacy and Data Protection Lawyer, in-house Lawyer and Senior Policy Officer


This was an excellent event!


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