Nick Stoner’s Post [Video]

View profile for Nick Stoner, graphic

SVP Creative Director

Project of a lifetime. Lesson learned: if you don’t know what to do just write the damn thing. Then write it again. And again. And again. Keep writing while you’re shooting it. Write it while you’re editing it. Write it after it’s out in the world. Write it while you’re writing your Cannes submissions. Just write it.

Gilles Dumont

Sharp Skilled Belgian Swiss Knife


Write it on Linkedin

Mary Kate Baumann

Brand Manager at Traeger Grills


way cool, Nick! Congratulations!

Dean Paradise

Executive Creative Director at GUT


Well here's me writing to say: HUGE Congratulations. (I probably should have rewritten this a few times).

Alejandro Juli

Group Creative Director at David Miami


Vamoooo! Love you guys, amazing stuff and so we’ll deserved 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

Sebastian El Pana Arrechedera

Filmmaker | Decentralized Freethinker | Creative Director | Activist | Storyteller | Founder of Rainbow Lobster


Congrats. That is awesome.

JB Jacobs

Video Editor at Joint Editorial


The bestest writer of all the words. 🙏🏼❤️

Bruno Mazzotti

SVP, Executive Creative Director at FCB Chicago



Stefan Smith

Creative Director / Flame Artist


Well you certainly wrote it this time my friend!

Alexander Kaplan

Freelance Creative Director | Adweek Creative 100


No project more deserving of grand prix than this one. Absolute perfection. 👌

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