NHS Confederation’s Post

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Improving care and productivity often means working with people in different teams and fields. Join us at 11am on Wednesday to discuss the behaviours and culture needed to work across boundaries, as well as common challenges and how to deal with them. We will be joined by a range of expert speakers who will share their unique perspectives on the power of relationships and collaboration in improvement: Providing interface perspectives: ⚫ Dr Chris Pickering, Consultant in Emergency Medicine ⚫ Dr Jon Griffiths, GP and Associate Medical Director for Primary Care at NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Relationships and collaboration in healthcare: ⚫ Dr Charlie Jones, Consultant Clinical Psychologist ⚫ Dr Eirini Kontou, Clinical Psychologist at Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and an Assistant Professor at the University of Nottingham. What makes interface working a success – Learning from Nottingham: ⚫ Dr Husein Mawji, Clinical Director at Nottingham City Place-Based Partnership and GP ⚫ Dr Mark Simonds, Deputy Medical Director, Nottingham University Hospital

The power of relationships and collaboration in improvement

The power of relationships and collaboration in improvement


Phil Bottle

NHS Workforce Rebel ✊ | Co-Founder & MD | Turning Chaos into Clarity | Author of "Naked Business: Does anyone really know what they are doing?" (coming soon)


I assumed improving care and productivity 'always' means working with people in different fields and teams. There needs to be way more joined up thinking. We are of course all aiming for the same goal. Improving patient outcomes. Just a thought.

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