Naomi Gleit’s Post [Video]

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Head of Product

Understand, Identify, Execute is a framework that I use to approach solving problems: 1. Understand the problem space 2. Identify the levers to achieve your goal 3. Execute on those levers perfectly Every problem is different but this framework helps to approach them in the same way, and like any good framework - we keep finding ourselves coming back to it time and again. For more product management tips and advice check out  #productivity #productmanagement #product

Kenneth Henriquez

Product Manager at Visa with expertise in analytics


These video bites are the best ways I can digest this kind of information :) thanks Naomi Gleit #naiomiisms

Fuad D.

Product+AI | Ideas Challenger 🔍Trendwatcher: Web3 | GenAI | Crypto | VR | DAO | Loyalty | & Neurodivergent Advocate


Agree! Bite size knowledge delivered perfectly. Thanks

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