Nagham Maaboud’s Post

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Business Lead | Bridging gaps between brands & agencies one operation at a time.

#MondayMusing someone has to say it I still remember the first time I worked on a pitch. I was an intern tasked with producing a competitive for a big global brand. I took my task so seriously and overnighted for days to make sure that not a single piece of information that the team could use was missed. I don’t know if my slides ever made it to the deck, and we didn’t win. A decade later, I find myself still caught in the same grueling cycle, working overnight on pitches, and even pushing others to do it as well. The scale is larger and the stakes are higher and the bitter taste of disillusionment is fresh in my mouth. We've been indoctrinated to believe that pitching is an after-hours affair, a heroic sacrifice for our agencies’ honor, where no effort is too great in the pursuit of victory, and the only compensation we need is the win. But let's face the harsh truth: pitching has devolved into one of the most exploitative practices in the industry. It’s a theatrical spectacle for clients to secure free ideas and cut costs while pushing us to our financial, creative, and innovation limits. The funny part is it's always the usual suspects- the same agencies repeatedly pitch with the same talent for the same clients, merely shifting the pieces around the chessboard. Agencies are at fault. Too fragmented by cross-holdco competition and the chase for fleeting glory, we fail to unite against practices that are clearly detrimental not just to our teams but to the entire industry. So why do we keep pitching under these terms? Why do we accept this relentless cycle of sleepless nights, unpaid labor, and burnt-out talent? We justify it with the need to stay competitive, to showcase our capabilities, or simply because "that's how it's always been done." If change is ever going to happen, it needs to start with us, the agencies. We need to rethink our approach to pitching, advocate for fair compensation, and demand better treatment. It's time to set boundaries and promote a more sustainable model that respects the dedication and creativity of our teams. Clients may not have an incentive to change, but we do. It's time to prioritize the well-being of our people over winning at any cost. After all, what’s the point of winning a pitch if we lose our team’s spirit and passion along the way? Employees cannot keep paying the price of legacy practices and an industry that innovates in everything except human well-being. #Changethegame #employeeengagement #pitching #newbusiness #procurement #leadership

Ahmad Yaseen

2024 Stevie® Awards Winner | Social lead @Team X | Mercedes-Benz


Hi Nagham, good take! Just let me rephrase one part in my own way: “If change is ever going to happen, it starts with us, the individuals who run agencies or work for them.” I try not to speak about the agency-client business model often because I have never honored the wrong practices, nor have I encouraged those whom I have led to do so. Happy that you’re shedding light on the matter though! 😊

Ramlah S.

Team Lead Marketing - Acmetel


I thought this practice only existed in the sub-continent, but it looks like this culture is universal. Most agencies in Pakistan get business or clients because of their affiliations within the brand. You will always see when people on the brand side move, they make sure they take the people in the agency they like with them to the other agency. It's such a vicious cycle, and I don't see it changing anytime soon.

Mohamed Salah Helmy

Snapper 👻 | Father who translates KPIs to Marketing Strategies across EMEA (⚡️UAE KSA UK) Speaker & Trainer, FIDM, MCIM, mMBA, CIM PgDiploma, ex-GroupM/Publicis/Jellyfish


Totally agree Nagham! Always the same with everyone who get involved or lead and RFP. I read earlier the idea that was recommended to charge a minimum fee for pitches which made sense to show commitment from Advertisers and get the team paid, which means that they would put paid hours and not having to this "after dark" 😬 so I really hope that becomes a thing 🙏

Rawan Hussein

Director @ MAGNA Global | Decision-Making, Critical Thinking


No gut, no glory! :) A very interesting take Nagham, thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Khaled Akbik خالد آق بيق

Social Media & Digital Marketing | Storytelling & Content Consultant | B2B/B2C | SaaS


I couldn't agree more. This is something I've spoken about numerous times and I've always found to be quite ridiculous if I'm being honest! The practice makes no business sense and it's not sustainable. The challenge is that there's always some (or a large number of) agencies out there that are hungry for business and are willing to do this and more. Which will perpetuate this cycle without end in sight. I'm all for us agency leaders and folk coming together and putting a stop to this. But with the number of agencies out there, it seems almost impossible. Or at the very least, charging for the work we're doing - I can't believe agencies sometimes even have to pay to participate in a pitch!! That's why I believe the burden to change doesn't fall on agencies alone. Agencies and clients should work together to set the new standard. From our side, until that reality changes, we've taken steps to manage pitch workload to the best of our ability to ensure people remain charged and engaged.

Jessica Avedikian

LinkedIn Top Voice | Founder at Social Astronauts & PayMeHere | UN Women Mentor | Certified Meta Lead Trainer | ex-P&G


Waleed Tantawy 🇵🇸 a different industry, but the same pain. I wonder how it works for you and your team of "proposal managers" where this is your daily grind. BLESS

Tarek M. Hassan

Senior Copywriter & Translator | Career Advisor by Passion


كلام عميق وفي محله. أتصور أن الحل يبدأ بتطوير مسار عمل واضح لهذا النوع من الطلبات والاتفاق مع الأفراد المتعاملين مباشرة مع العميل أن يضعوا "صحة فريق العمل" في اعتبارهم لأنهم لا يقومون بسحر، وإنما بعمل شاق ومبدع يستهدف أن يربح منه الجميع

mohamed Ahmed

Marketing and sales Executive


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