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Gary Vaynerchuk Gary Vaynerchuk is an Influencer

Chairman - VaynerX, CEO - VaynerMedia & Veefriends , Co-Founder VaynerSports, VCR Group and VaynerWatt

Being a good leader is about genuinely building relationships with your employees and understanding what you can do to meet their needs. The secret to being a good leader is to actually care about your employees.

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Giovanni Di Napoli

LinkedIn Top Voice | CEO, Cosmo Pharmaceuticals | Harnessing A.I. to Improve Patient Outcomes | Health Equity Advocate | Empowering Teams


As a leader, I totally agree. Words only go so far—while it's important to express your values or your company culture goals, that's only the first step towards building a strong company culture.

Michael Lisovetsky

Co-founder @ Zurp // Co-founder @ JUICE // General Partner @ MAGIC Fund


Fostering trust and connection inspires people to follow willingly.

When you build real, authentic connections with the people you work with, you start to see them not only as a professional colleague, but a whole person as well. In my experience, this is when you assume the best, give grace when needed and increase engagement. It's so critical, because when you invest in building relationships and prioritize your employees' well-being, it fosters trust, collaboration, and overall success within the organization, too.

Samoual Hassan

Head of Administration Dal Food, PhD in Economics in National Strategic Planning Heavy Industry Companies, SP-Assoc. CIPD. Talks about #Leadership, #Strategicworkforceplanning, #ChangeManagement, #TalentDevelopment.


Building strong relationships with employees is a crucial aspect of effective leadership. Research shows that leaders who prioritize relationships and lead from a place of positivity and kindness tend to perform better. Being open and honest with your team members creates trust. Transparency helps build a healthy work environment where everyone feels valued and informed. Great leaders inspire their teams by setting a positive example. Show enthusiasm, share your vision, and encourage creativity. When employees feel inspired, they are more likely to engage and contribute. Understanding and managing emotions is essential. Empathize with your team members, actively listen, and be aware of their feelings. Emotional intelligence helps you navigate conflicts and build stronger connections, company culture has a significant impact on employee well-being, often surpassing salary and benefits. So, investing in positive relationships is not only good for your team but also for overall organizational success.

Sayan Sapui - Newsletter Specialist📮

CEO, ThriveLetter | Beehiiv Partner Newsletter Agency


A happy employee= a productive employee, instead of rushing to see numbers and metrics out of individuals leaders and founders should invest time to actually understand the comfort zones of their employees - they'll pretty much figure everything out on their own after that. Been micromanaged and it made me realise to never apply the same principle to anyone in my team- ever

Julia T.

Digital Transformation Leader in Entertainment & Travel | Enhancing User Experiences and Operational Efficiencies | @Disney | ex-Delta Air Lines, Inc.


I absolutely 💯 agree. My team has always known it is about them. When you put people first the work gets done. Actions are always important. We can have all the strategies and be the creator of program and experiences that help people leaders be better but if we are not emulating the content in the programs we create then what good is it. We have to lead by example, be testaments of the leadership we needed, wanted and are educating others to be.

Vlad Bronnikov

I comment with 🔥 on your posts. How come we are still not connected?


Lights, Camera, Beer 🍻

Lori Kimble Hayes, MFA

Project Manager I Visual Information Specialist I Interior Architect I Copywriter


The saying, “Your actions speak so loudly, I can hardly hear what you’re saying,” has stuck with me. Though ususally used to point out negative behavior, it speaks to positive actions too.

Fabian 🦁 🦉Chagoya

The Sales Diplomat | Medical Software & Medical Device Sales Nerd | Stay at Home Dad by day, Sales Dark Knight by night


Ask the questions, why would anyone listen to me? Why would anyone follow me? Am I setting the example I would be happy people follow? (careful if you used questionable methods to get ahead early in your career…can’t get mad if they play your ? game then).

Eric Mason

Managing Partner | Learning & Development Consultant | Specializing in Corporate Training & Talent Development


I have had the opportunity to work in many different cultures. One thing that I have always said it takes a lot of time and effort to build a great culture and it can be ruined in a very short amount of time. Culture is something that all businesses should be extremely aware of.

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