Публикация участника Layne Austin

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Hiring Interns @Netflix

2024 Computer Science Grads this one is for you... ✨📢 Our much anticipated Software Engineering New Grad role is now live! This marks the beginning of our student recruiting season, and the Emerging Talent team over at Netflix couldn't be more excited! ✨ https://lnkd.in/gypRpEmd As you get your applications ready, here are some tips from your friendly neighborhood recruiter: 1. Stand out by sharing any hands-on experiences on your resume, even if it's not formal work experience. Have you built something for a campus club? Wrote a little piece of code as a personal project? Add it to your resume! 2. Responsiveness can set you apart! If and when a recruiter reaches out to you to move you forward in the process, that is not the time to play it cool. We love to hear back from you within 24 hours so that we can take action on your candidacy. 3. Practice practice practice - utilize your resources on campus to practice answering both technical and behavioral interview questions. We're excited to review your applications - drop a like if your planning on applying!

New Grad Software Engineer (2024)

New Grad Software Engineer (2024)


Nshera Tutu

Meinig Family National Scholar | 2024 Health Consulting Intern @ Mercer

9 мес.

A new software engineer at Netflix, Yohanes Kidane, has been missing for over 2 weeks and Netflix as a company has said nothing about his disappearance. Yet you're recruiting for new engineers. Appalling and shameful.

New Grad Engineer, must have 3 years experience.

Patrick Mcguigan

Frontend focused, Fullstack Engineer | JS/TS, React, Next, Node, SQL

9 мес.

Layne Austin What are the odds of a bootcamp grad getting an interview? I don't have a degree in CS but I have a degree in graphic design as well as a software engineering bootcamp certificate.

Rohan Shiralkar

e/acc | head intern | bbdeeplearning.systems

9 мес.

www.bhaiyabot.com Built in a month. I didn’t know webdev when I started. ;)

Divya sri Medarametla

GHC’23 | | Ex Lumen || MSSE grad @ San Jose State University || Actively looking for Full time opportunities

8 мес.

Interested [email protected]

Swathi M V S

MS CS at San Jose State | Graduate Technical Intern at Intel | Ex-SW Dev Intern at Extreme Networks | Ex-HARMAN | AI Enthusiast | Android Developer | Embedded Developer

9 мес.

Interested! [email protected]

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