Graeme Inglis’ Post

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Helping the Internet Hop Faster | CDN & Edge Computing | Strategic Partnerships | Expat | Canadian International

I‘m a little late to the party here but #NAB2024 is in the books! My top 3 take aways from the event - 1) Fast Fish Eat the Slow Fish In today‘s market, the quick teams and agile organisations are the one‘s that are excelling in the long run. Teams don’t have to be small to be agile. They have to recognise the needs of the market and evolve their messaging, approach to customer problem solving overtime with a consistent eye to the priorities of the customer. I think recent turbulence in CDN space speaks for itself on that topic. 2) Generative AI is here and isn‘t going anywhere. Gen AI use cases are numerous. It’s an amazing tool that can empower cool products, features and grab audience attention. I am interested to see how service providers are already adapting their existing solutions to cater to needs of the new subset of Gen AI vendors that carry these products at scale. Interesting things are on the horizon regarding how these vendors house, empower and deliver these compute heavy applications. 3)Substance over quantity. It was my first NAB so take this with a grain of salt. From, what I heard throughout the show the foot traffic was down this year. Honestly, don't have much to compare to. But this wasn't a bad thing at all. The quality of the conversations were next level. Each person I spoke to had interesting insights that were extremely relevant to me directly, over an array of industry challenges, and presented concrete approaches to solving them. From experience in trade shows in other industries, I was simply blown away by how much valuable knowledge there was to take in. Shoutout to all the current and prospective partners whom I got to meet in person for the first or second time!!! 🐰🚀 Where to next?🤔 Stay tuned!

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