Google Analytics’ Post

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▶️ Check out this step-by-step guide to learn how to set up custom events, i.e. events that are specific to your business that you want to measure and track. For example, you can measure how many people sign up for your newsletter. →

Custom Events in Google Analytics


Digital Marketing Consultant


I have a better recommendation, Dear Google Analytics. In addition to videos like this, maybe you can provide support for websites live.

Caroo Africa

Caroo Africa - Content Creation & Affiliate Marketing Enthusiast | Fueled by ideas, Creativity, and a Passion for Helping Businesses Grow |Skills Advocate


Very helpful!

Roman Hamrák

Web & App Analytics 🧙♂️ | I help companies unlock the full power of the Digital Analytics ✨


Somewhat misleading title of the video 👀 but I'm glad that Matt don't create events in the GA4 interface - everyone should use GTM for that.

Ryan Smith

Cultivator of Better Advertising. Professional Nerd. Programmatic is a Passion but Data is my Coffee. Oh, and Boutique Digital Agency, VP of Marketing


implement annotations please

Mike Ruffing

I help businesses create and execute a consistent, affordable digital marketing strategy to grow! Marketing Agency Owner | Fractional CMO | Small Business Marketing Professional

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