Cotton On Foundations inlägg

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Change your socks. Change a life. 🧦💛 We've partnered with LifeChanger Foundation to create a limited-edition pair of socks. Featuring an important message – Stand Together – 100% of proceeds raised will support LifeChanger in their goal to: • Positively impact 75,000 young people through preventative youth mental health workshops • Train 5,000 mentors to be able to support youth in need • Provide digital resources to over 1,000 teachers, positively impacting over 120,000 young people in school classrooms Join us on SockOut Sunday, 25 Feb, and let's stand together to end the youth mental health crisis. Socks are available in selected Australian and New Zealand Cotton On, Factorie and Supre stores or online at Cotton On Foundation LifeChanger Foundation

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We Stand Together to empower young people with the courage the thrive! ❤️👊

Sahara Pandey

Store Manager | Master's in Accounting and Business/Management

4 mån

So proud of being a part of it🤗🤗🤗 cotton on dubbo🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

I need those socks,I lost my friend two weeks ago and really mental health has become a very big problem especially for youth. People are committing suicide

Sophie El-Atam

Agency Manager | Retail Talent Acquisition Expert | Frontline Retail WA

4 mån

Great cause guys! Gonna get me some new socks and support!!!

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