Bertalan Meskó, MD, PhD’s Post

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Bertalan Meskó, MD, PhD Bertalan Meskó, MD, PhD is an Influencer

Director of The Medical Futurist Institute (Keynote Speaker, Researcher, Author & Futurist)

For years at The Medical Futurist, we’ve covered countless digital health devices and technologies, and how they can empower patients in the digital health age. These share the common feature of augmenting the patient experience, and such augmentations can be taken to the next level via biohacking.  In this article, we’ll introduce the biohacking concept, illustrate it with examples of biohackers (you might be one already!) and contemplate its impact on the future of digital health.

The Current State And Future Of Biohacking - The Medical Futurist

The Current State And Future Of Biohacking - The Medical Futurist

Morris Tenaglia

Sales and Marketing Specialist | New Business Development, CRM, Strategy


Biohacking is a fascinating and rapidly growing movement that empowers individuals to take control of their own health and well-being through the use of technology, data, and DIY approaches. By combining elements of biology, technology, and self-experimentation, biohackers are pushing the boundaries of traditional healthcare and optimizing their physical and mental performance. Examples of biohacking abound, ranging from simple lifestyle interventions to more advanced techniques. For instance, many biohackers adopt intermittent fasting, cold exposure, or mindfulness meditation as ways to enhance cognitive function and overall health. Others engage in more experimental practices, such as wearable devices to track physiological data, genetic testing to inform personalized health decisions, or even implantable technology for continuous monitoring. The impact of biohacking on the future of digital health is significant. As healthcare continues to evolve towards a more patient-centered, data-driven model, biohacking methodologies are likely to gain further traction.

Michael Attea

MBA delivering data-driven marketing, analytics & digital transformation


"but also aids traditional science in identifying areas where additional efforts are worthwhile and areas where they are not, thus potentially shaping the future of scientific exploration and healthcare innovations" This is so true and in itself is perhaps more game changing than anything else independently. Seems like the treasure troves that are unearthable with this approach are for some reason very overlooked by many in the sciences.

Sasha Andrieiev

Digital Health | CEO & Сo-founder at Jelvix | Powering Business Growth through Technology | My content presents the resolution to your business challenges


I would like to add that biohacking is not just about technological interventions. It also encompasses lifestyle practices such as optimizing nutrition, exercise, and stress management. A holistic approach to biohacking that combines technology with lifestyle changes may be more effective for improving health and well-being.  Thanks, Bertalan Meskó, MD, PhD

Karel van der Walt

Director at MentalArrow (Pty) Ltd

Michael Spicer (MTF)

Co-Founder & CEO @ Digital Vision Ltd | Entrepreneurship, Visionary

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