American Academy of Pediatrics’ Post

AAP was honored to participate in the White House’s Every Day Counts summit that called attention to the issue of school attendance and chronic absenteeism. Pediatrician Heidi Schumacher attended the event on behalf of AAP and shared how pediatricians can help ensure kids stay healthy and in school. Too many children are affected by chronic absenteeism. Pediatricians are here to be a resource. We can help with immunizations to keep children healthy, connect families with resources for stable housing and nutrition, and partner with schools to support students’ health. For more AAP resources on chronic absenteeism:

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Amanda Montalbano, MD MPH FAAP

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Improve access to transportation (bus riders), supplemented before/after care, integration of school based PCP clinics or space to allow for virtual healthcare, fully funded meals and snacks.

Tracy Foels, M.A., LMHCA

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Chronic absenteeism requires connecting families with a variety of resources. Pediatricians are an important part of this network. The ASP resource link has great suggestions. A couple of my favorite are building relationships with school personnel and giving firm guidance regarding attendance.

Jaclyn Padgett

Pediatric Physician & APP Recruiter at ETS Pediatric


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