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⚡“How do you construct a house that’s 40,000 pounds, and lift it 50 feet in the air?” This was the question the Airbnb team grappled with when recreating Pixar Animation Studios' "Up" house as part of their new Icons category. CEO and Co-founder Brian Chesky joins Rapid Response host Bob Safian to discuss how Icons is shaping the company's future. Watch the full conversation here:

Jon C.

Owner/ Agent Real Estate Mexico |


. I told her she need to calm down and move the car. She then reached out and grabbed me around the neck seemingly in a headlock and I managed to break free screaming for my husband who was still on the street waiting in the car to move it to the garage. I managed to break free from here and ran downstairs. I started to make a call to 911 as my husband now almost half way upstairs confronted these 5 drunk guests in the unit demanding they gather there things and vacate the unit as we were going to cancel the reservation and even refund the money. My husband was not yelling at them to both stop and vacate the unit and the police would be called for assaulting me. My husband had a dining chair thrown at him by the one woman who was clearly intoxicated. I was downstairs on the phone trying to speak to 911 but I do not speak Spanish nor does my husband and all these guest do. 

Jon C.

Owner/ Agent Real Estate Mexico |


RE: AIRBNB SUPER HOST ASSUALT IN MEXICO - The horror and truth about customer support from Airbnb   I am a 42 year old woman, I moved to the Lake Chapala area or Mexico in July of 2022. I purchased a large property several months prior to relocating here from Toronto, On. Canada with the sole purpose of renting out the multiple units I have on Short term rental sites like Airbnb. I launched my units in Sept 2022 and managed to secure 70 reviews, all 5 stars reviews from guests just on Airbnb who travel here from around the world. They loved my units and I have had the same success from a number of other sites also very well-known who do the same rental type service. I pride myself in treating my guests with the upmost in care and concern when they come to stay with me and had had no issues unit we got a reservation for supposedly 3 guests coming to visit. It looked like the traveler was coming from California but there was mixed feelings about this as I felt they were not the ones actually coming as it was mentioned they were within 1 hour from our location. 

Jon C.

Owner/ Agent Real Estate Mexico |


. I phoned airbnb and fell on deaf ears and then sent the file again to renew the stale date on the file. Again Airbnb did not collect the file?? I messaged then asking how they could investigate the matter if they never received anything from me or my lawyer?? We continued to research people absolute horror stories of dealing with Airbnb and also being victims in similar situations and basically being blocked and left for dead. I sent the support team there policy on self-defense in situations like this and no one from our side was physical with anyone from this group of 3+2. My husband only after I was pushed and grabbed by the neck approached these people and kept tell them they need to now leave the unit as they have broken more than one or two house rules never mind assaulting me. I think one of the kids (who was not on the reservation and staying in the unit) shot a 20 second video well after my assault happened and all the issues against us had already happened recorded my husband telling them they needed to pack up and leave right away

Jon C.

Owner/ Agent Real Estate Mexico |


I was out for dinner at the time they arrived and came home to find they had parked a vehicle blocking out 4 car garage doors and the vehicle I was in needed to go into the garage. I proceeded to go to the front gate and buzz the unit to advise them to just come down and back up and I can park. The woman who answered the buzzer said “we can’t come down; we have all been drinking and can’t drive”. Rather than trying and speak through the intercom I proceeded to open the garage door and walked up to the second floor and knocked on the door. The woman opened the door and said again “we have all been drinking and can’t move the car”. I said please just move the can back about 8 ft. so I can get in and leave the car there. She refused and started to scream at me then pushing me backwards into an outdoor dining table located at the front door of the unit braking one of my nails off as I fell back into the table

Jon C.

Owner/ Agent Real Estate Mexico |


I can tell you Airbnb is NOT a safe platform to host on, they claim to have all these processes in place and guarantees and insurance but when push comes to shove all they do is block and ignore you hoping that the situation will just go away. I am here to voice my story and to let others know how unsafe Airbnb actually is and how they treat supposed super hosts. Let’s remember without people like me going the extra mile to open the doors of my units they would not make a dime in profit. In the heat of the moment don’t count on Airbnb to help you.

Jon C.

Owner/ Agent Real Estate Mexico |


. She refused to listen and seems very angry; I provided the details on how to get to the house. I logged onto the security cameras at the front of the home and watched as the party arrived. At first glance there was not 3 people but 5 in the vehicle that pulled up in front. The woman could be seen pushing all the buzzers at the gate over and over while also pressing the RING bell which calls me. The elderly man who was staying in the guest house (his account of the evening is attached) can be seen on the video with the gate open enough to speak to this not very angry woman. He refused to let her in but did explain that if she had received the same instructions as they had that it is very easy to get the key from the lock box and get access to the gate. The guest proceeds to close the gate leaving this party of 3+2 out front to open the lock box. The guests finally read the emails and got the instructions needed to get access. 

Hilda J. LadyCroft

CEO & Founder @ Andromeda Group | Salsa Lovers Worldwide | Mediator, Reiki Master, Quantum Healing, Ancient Wisdom


6 months of back and forth to finally get someone to understand to COMPREHEND issues that happened due to some person trying to book one of my experiences with a fake credit card. NOT MY FAULT and airbnb blocking me instead of blocking the person!!!!!!!! WTH!!!! Now got an email you are about to delete some of my best selling and well rated (all above 4.5 stars rated) experiences which took years to build and maintain with no reason given for removal whatsoever!!!!! What the heck is going on!!!! How is this the way to treat hosts who earned thousands in profit for you over the years!!! Your customer service team seems not only not understanding but instead of helping not replying for months and keep closing tickets without an answer. Airbnb what the hell is going on with you?

Jon C.

Owner/ Agent Real Estate Mexico |


; I submitted the supposed appeal to airbnb with the email string from our guests who witnessed this who came through another web site (that email string is attached). Airbnb did nothing; they never once called us back when they said repeatedly someone will call you back in 1 hour. Both my husband and I spent hours on the phone trying to make sense of this with no luck. I had our lawyer go through the painstaking process of getting the official police report that airbnb actually requested. We managed to get that report on May 10th and support provided a web site called to send the secure file. The site sends the file with a link that remains live only for a matter of 7-10 days. We had submitted the “appeal “May 6 Th and were advised we will be contacted within 7 business days. In that time we got a notice from WeTransfer that the live link would expire as Airbnb had not bothered to collect the very important police report they requested. 

Jon C.

Owner/ Agent Real Estate Mexico |


The reservation was made for 3 adults and the unit can handle up to 4 total. The emails that are sent out when the reservation is made immediately following confirmation and 24 hrs. Prior to arrival are very detailed and translate to Spanish. The messages cover off specific location /address details, land marks and even close by stores so guests can find the location no matter what. The instruction also provide specifics on how to access a lock box for the key to the gate and where the unit is located once in the property. All seems very simple and I have done this hundreds of times with no issues ever in the past as it is very detailed. We had an elderly couple staying in the guesthouse for a one month stay and they were home at the time. This specific evening in question I was off site out for dinner and I knew I was expecting 3 guests to arrive that evening. The cell phone rang and a woman was on the other end of the phone and seemed very irate demanding to know how to get to the property. I explained that all the emails (if you bothered to read them) were sent 24hrs prior. 

Jon C.

Owner/ Agent Real Estate Mexico |


The officers came into our home and saw first off our dogs, then all the framed pictured of us and family on the wall so this tells them right away we are the owners. The police then went to the other unit and advised the 5 people ( not 3) staying in the unit that they need to sober up and vacate the unit at the earliest time possible that is safe for them to drive. Because we did not feel safe we opted to leave the dogs at home and leave with the police and return once these people had vacated. I agreed with the police that if these people just left and did not damage or cause any more issues that I would not press and charges and the police agreed (again read the police report for specifics)  The police apologized for entering the property without consent and agreed that the language barrier did play a small part in this and we left it at that.

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