From the course: Typography for Motion Designers in Cinema 4D

Why use MoText?

- [Instructor] We know that the MoText object is part of the MoGraph tool set. So we have all the effectors and fields at our disposal to facilitate the animation of the type we create in Cinema 4D. In this example, I've stacked several effectors, like so, to produce the results that we see here. And so by layering effectors, we can easily turn off an effector and quickly change the look of the animation. So, while this is still playing through, I can change the scale, turn that off. See, now we just have position and rotation. Could turn off the position and turn back on the scale, turn off the rotation and just see what that looks like. These two delay effectors here are just adding a bit of secondary motion, which is really nice. But if I turn that off, you can see there's less character now. And so, this method allows us to iterate ideas and build animations procedurally. So if I just enable these all again, you can see now that's looking pretty cool. So this is the reason why I like to use MoText. The object itself allows you to get in there and design your type in an intuitive way, and the flexibility of the MoGraph system allows for virtually limitless possibilities when creating animations.
