From the course: The Ultimate Guide to B2B Digital Marketing

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Dispel social media myths

Dispel social media myths

Imagine that you've just opened a new business. It's day one. You have no customers and no website traffic. How do you make sure potential clients know that you exist? Answer: You go to them in the places they already spend time. These days that’s social media, according to Pew Research Center, seven in ten U.S. adults use social media and 51% of adults with a bachelor's degree use LinkedIn. Even though B2B buyers spend time on social media. Many businesses struggle to generate sales opportunities there. In this lesson, all share common social media myths and pitfalls so that you can ensure the time you spend on social media is spent wisely. When it comes to social media, the biggest mistake you can make is not being there at all. Many business leaders think that social media is a waste of time because people don't go on social media with the purpose of buying business products. And while that may be true, it doesn't change the fact that buyers spend a lot of time there. People don't…
