From the course: The Ultimate Guide to B2B Digital Marketing

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Company pages vs. personal pages

Company pages vs. personal pages

I used to work for a marketing agency that did about $20 million in annual revenue. Most customers discovered them on LinkedIn. Even though the agency had a LinkedIn company page, the founder's personal LinkedIn page got a lot more exposure compared to the company page. He had four times as many followers and his post reached 10 to 20 times more people. In this lesson, I'll talk you through the role of personal pages and company pages in your social media strategy. That way you can decide which type of page to focus on first. Why did the founders page get so much more attention than the company page? One reason is because people prefer to engage with other people. You can take advantage of this by building a personal brand for your founder, CEO, or other key members of your team. When you decide to build a personal brand around a member of your team, make sure it's someone with expertise and a vested interest in whatever your company does. The most successful company pages on social…
