From the course: Retail Sales Management

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- Retail sales is not for the faint of heart. It's challenging, fast paced and every day is a new adventure. You'll be faced with new scenarios and situations that will be challenging. You'll deal with customers, and you'll deal with your employees, and it's up to you to bring it all together. Like I said, this isn't for everyone but it doesn't need to be difficult. If you can apply even just a few of the things we've taught in this course, then you'll be well on your way to being an incredible retail sales manager. Remember this, you and your employees have a chance to make a difference every single day and the choices you make and things you do will be the direct contributor to if a customer decides to do business with you again, or never again. I know if you implement a few of the things in this course you'll be well on your way to providing an experience that people can't stop talking about. Your employees will be engaged and work to deliver a consistent experience every single…
