From the course: Retail Sales Management

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Measuring what matters

Measuring what matters

- Most great business success comes from having an understanding of what needs to be measured so you can get better. In retail sales management, there are a number of different things we can measure, like sales per square foot, or sales per product category, and as you increase and develop your skills in retail sales management, you're going to get much deeper into the world of business analytics. But to get started, there are a few fundamental things you need to be paying attention to if you really wanna succeed in retail. The first is your traffic. How much traffic are you getting? How many opportunities are you getting to sell? How many people are coming into your store or your business on a daily basis? This is the first thing you need to be tracking to make sure you're getting enough opportunities and you're marketing efforts are driving enough people to your business. If not, you might need to ask questions like, do you need to increase your advertising budget? Or do you need to…
