From the course: Overcome Managerial Bias in Performance Management

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Proximity bias in hybrid workplaces

Proximity bias in hybrid workplaces

- As a manager, have you ever had an urgent project come up that you had to delegate quickly? Which employees immediately came to mind? And, if you're in a hybrid workplace, did you consider delegating to one of your remote team members? If you answered no, don't feel bad. 42% of supervisors said they sometimes forget about remote workers when assigning task, despite remote workers being 15% more productive than in-person workers. One workplace bias that's becoming more prominent in our hybrid and remote world is proximity bias. This is the tendency of managers or team members to show favoritism or preferential treatment to employees who are close to them physically. It might therefore discriminate against those who work remotely. People might assume that remote workers are less engaged in their work than those who work in person, however, surveys show this is not the case. Let's start with this myth around productivity. Studies show that employees with more flexibility in their work…
