From the course: Node.js: Web Servers, Tests, and Deployment

Going beyond the basics in Node

- [Eve] When you started to work with Node.js you probably learned how to install it and how to perform some simple tasks like logging, processing arguments from the command line, and working with the file system. Once you understand those features though, you might be asking yourself, what's next with Node.js? In this course, we're going to find out what's next. We'll go beyond the basics to talk about some of the most essential features of Node.js. We'll create servers, we'll use NPM, we'll handle testing, and we'll work with web sockets. Everything you need to work with Node.js in the real world. My name is Eve Porcello and I've been a JavaScript developer and instructor for over a decade. When I started teaching JavaScript, it was mostly thought of as this language to use for hovers and button clicks, today, it's more powerful than ever. And it's more important than ever that developers from a range of backgrounds understand how to work with Node.js projects. We're going to be creating a lot of really cool demos together in this course. So I don't want to waste any more time. Let's get into it. Let's start building with Node.js.
