From the course: Leading Projects

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Transition the people

Transition the people

- [Instructor] The final pillar of the direct project leadership framework is to transition the people. In this video, I'll explain what I mean by transition, and I'll give you the tools to manage your own transition successfully. Change is something that happens to you and around you. Transition is how you and everyone else respond to it. That's an important distinction for a project leader to understand because while it's important to make sure that a project delivers a working solution, it is just as important to ensure that the people who need to use it are willing and able to make it work. Let me illustrate this point with a story about transition from the team at H+ Sport. A few years ago, H+ ran a project to upgrade the software for their customer service team. Everyone was excited to be moving away from the old fashioned green screen display to a fancy new Windows-based interface. After months of planning and preparation, the whole project went off without a hitch. The IT team…
