From the course: Kubernetes and Cloud Native Security Associate (KCSA) Cert Prep

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Threat modeling frameworks

Threat modeling frameworks

One of the interesting things that we've seen throughout this course, and I especially feel like I see it in this specific section, is the simple fact that a lot of security protocols around Kubernetes as a whole aren't just about Kubernetes, right? They are everything and anything, like authentication and authorization. That's not just Kubernetes, you know, hardening servers in the clusters, that's not just Kubernetes. One of those other things that kind of pop up here is threat modeling. So threat modeling is definitely outside of Kubernetes. And it has everything from identifying security requirements, checking security threats, understanding potential vulnerabilities. And the thing here is that, again, you know, when we think about, for example, checking security threats, this is everything in tech. This is everything from servers to networks to desktops to laptops, everything, security requirements. These are always different. They're going to be different for finance…
