Java Practice: Collections Preview

Java Practice: Collections

With Todd Perkins Liked by 5,619 users
Duration: 22m Skill level: Beginner Released: 9/14/2023

Course details

Java is a versatile, object-oriented programming language that is designed to run on a wide variety of platforms. Any machine that has a Java Virtual Machine, or JVM, can run Java apps. For that reason, Java is commonly used in a wide range of applications, including web, mobile, and desktop. Many of the apps you know and love were likely written in Java! In this course, instructor Todd Perkins, who has developed more than a dozen popular apps and games, uses a series of practical challenges to test your knowledge of Java collections and improve your programming problem-solving skills.

This course includes Code Challenges powered by CoderPad. Code Challenges are interactive coding exercises with real-time feedback, so you can get hands-on coding practice alongside the course content to advance your programming skills.

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Certificate of Completion

  • Showcase on your LinkedIn profile under “Licenses and Certificate” section

  • Download or print out as PDF to share with others

  • Share as image online to demonstrate your skill

Meet the instructor

Learner reviews

4.6 out of 5

207 ratings
  • 5 star
    Current value: 148 71%
  • 4 star
    Current value: 42 20%
  • 3 star
    Current value: 9 4%
  • 2 star
    Current value: 1 <1%
  • 1 star
    Current value: 7 3%


What’s included

  • Learn on the go Access on tablet and phone

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