From the course: IT Vendor Management in Practice

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Compliance management

Compliance management

- Roles involved in compliance management at Red30 Tech include the compliance officer, legal counsel, procurement manager, IT vendor manager, IT performance analyst, IT relationship manager, IT risk manager, and the contract manager. Oliver Marshall, the compliance manager works to ensure vendors adhere to all applicable laws and regulations in all jurisdictions in which Red30 Tech operates and abide by Red30 Tech's ethical standards and initiatives around, for example, supplier diversity, supply chain traceability, and sustainability. Oliver gets involved when he gets wind that Red30 Tech and Novalenda plan to drive PCs across the German border without going through customs. He knows this is a serious compliance issue and that you can't skirt the system when you're scrambling for a solution. When transporting PCs across the border into Germany, businesses need to adhere to customs regulations, declare the goods to customs authorities, and pay any applicable duties or taxes. Oliver…
