From the course: Go for PHP Developers

Learning Go as a PHP developer - Go Tutorial

From the course: Go for PHP Developers

Learning Go as a PHP developer

- [Ademusoyo] Are you looking to start learning Go? Do you come from a PHP background? Making a switch to learn a new programming language can be a bit daunting. However, once you familiarize yourself with the basics, you can start writing code to production in no time. In this course, we will look at the similarities and differences between Go and PHP to help make the transition to writing Go seamless and attainable. Hi, I'm Ademusoyo. I'm a senior software engineer and I've worked in many different languages such as Go, Java, JavaScript, Python, and Ruby. I have found that identifying these specific areas in every language helps make it easier to start getting up to speed as quickly as possible. So join me in this LinkedIn Learning course.
