From the course: Getting Started as a Project Scheduler

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Maintaining work-life balance

Maintaining work-life balance

- Project scheduling can be exhilarating, but like any demanding role, it can sometimes be overwhelming. As projects mount and deadlines loom, finding that delegate balance between work demands and personal life becomes crucial. So let's explore tips to maintain a healthy work-life balance and avoid the pitfalls of burnout. Tip one, time blocking. Allocate specific blocks of time for different tasks, both professional and personal. This creates dedicated focus, allowing tasks to be accomplished efficiently. Tip two, set boundaries. It's okay to disconnect. Designate offline hours where you're not checking work emails or attending to job tasks. This helps rejuvenate the mind. Tip three, prioritize personal time. Make sure to allocate time for loved ones, hobbies and relaxation. Personal moments act as a buffer reducing work stress. Tip four, learn to delegate. You don't need to handle everything yourself. Trust your team and delegate tasks when possible. This allows you to focus on…
