From the course: Getting Started as a Project Scheduler

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Educational background

Educational background

- Let's dwell deep into the educational background that can set the foundation for a thriving career as a project scheduler. With the world of project scheduling being vast and diverse, this means a variety of educational paths can lead to success in this role. Some of the common bachelor's degree that have been a stepping stone for project schedulers include first, engineering, especially civil, mechanical, or industrial engineering. Here, students gain foundational knowledge about project lifecycles and learn to approach projects systematically. Secondly, business or business administration. With the focus in management, this background provides skills in organizing, budgeting, and other essentials that are critical for scheduling. Lastly, information technology or computer science. In today's digital age, many projects are IT-centric. A deep understanding of IT projects combined with scheduling skills can be a potent combination. The important thing is to remember that while these…
