From the course: Getting Started as a Project Scheduler

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Building a network

Building a network

- In the dynamic realm of project scheduling, while skills and certifications are integral, there's another component that's just as critical, building a network. Networking is more than just collecting business cards, it's about cultivating relationships and connecting with like-minded professionals. But why is networking so vital in the field of project scheduling? For starters, networking opens doors to opportunities, be it job offers, collaborative projects, or mentorship. Moreover, shared knowledge and insights from peers can be invaluable, providing fresh perspectives and solutions to challenges. So, how can project schedulers effectively network? Tip one, be proactive. Attend conferences and participate in workshops. These platforms are ripe for making connections. Tip two, craft your elevator pitch. Have an engaging introduction ready, highlighting who you are and what you do. Tip three, be a listener. Networking isn't just about talking, it's about active listening. You want…
