From the course: .NET Package Management with NuGet

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Creating and publishing a NuGet package

Creating and publishing a NuGet package - NuGet Tutorial

From the course: .NET Package Management with NuGet

Creating and publishing a NuGet package

(upbeat music) (graphic swoosh) - Hi all, welcome back to our series on getting started with .NET package management using NuGet. In today's video, I'm going to give you a little tutorial on how to create your own NuGet package, as well as how to upload that package to So you might remember from the first video in this series that a package can generally be thought of as a compiled code library packed together with its descriptive metadata. So let's get started with the first part of that package, a compiled code library. (graphic swoosh) So first, we'll need to create our class library project on Visual Studio Code. I've just opened a brand new empty folder on my desktop, store our project in. In order to create a new class library in this folder, I'll type into the Visual Studio command window, dotnet new class library, and that's just classlib. So now we have this empty template shell of a class library created within this project folder. For the purposes of this…
