From the course: Configuring Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN

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Feature template configuration

Feature template configuration - Cisco Tutorial

From the course: Configuring Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN

Feature template configuration

- [Instructor] In this section we learn how we can create feature templates in vManage GUI. We need to create these feature templates for configuration of vedge. The first feature template is vedge system. On Cisco SD-WAN Menu, navigate to configuration then templates. Then click on feature templates button. Then click on add template link. On select devices, find the vedge cloud and choose it. On template page, click on system feature template. On template name field, type vedge-system. On description field type vedge-system. On site ID field, choose device specific. On system IP field, choose device specific. On host name field, choose device specific. On console Baud rate field, choose global value 9,600. Click on save button. Now we can see the vedge-system feature template in templates page. Next feature template is vedge-system-VPN0 Click on add template link. On select devices, find the vedge cloud and choose it. On template page, click on VPN feature template. On template name…
